Well I'm now at the end of another amazing adventure! Iceland 2009 has been brilliant - I've met some good people, seen and handled some really nice birds and totally enjoyed every single minute of it.
Over the last few weeks we've handled an amazing 1263+ birds of 17 species. 1225 of those were new birds and 38 were recaps (excluding Whooper Swan as I don't know the exact total of new and recapped birds yet).
TotalsKittiwake - 692 new / 1 recap
Arctic Tern - 331 new / 2 recap
Black Guillemot - 82 new
Fulmar - 23 new / 2 recap
Puffin - 22 new / 27 recap
Shag - 30 new
Oystercatcher - 1 new / 1 recap
Red necked Phalarope - 3 new
Ringed Plover - 16 new
Snipe - 3 new / 4 recap
Snow Bunting - 3 new
Redwing - 1 new / 1 recap
Meadow Pipit - 5 new
Eider - 7 new
Mallard - 4 new
Golden Plover - 2 new
Whooper Swan - 250+
And now for the thank-yous.I am greatful to the following people for their hospitality during my stay here - Sólveig Bergs, Guðbjörg Bergs, órri Sigurjonsson, Viðbjörg Gunnarsson, Magnus Petersen, Rosanne Falconer, ólafur Einarsson, Þorey Ketilsdóttir and Sigurður Sverrison.
WWT, Eileen Rees, Larry Griffin and Richard Smith.
Richard Inger, Stuart Bearhop and Xav Harrington.
But my trip would have not been possible if it was not for Ævar Petersen and Sverrir Thorstensen. I've learnt so much from these two and it's been great to have been working in the field with them both, so a BIG thank-you!